97+ Inspiring Wisdom Quotes About Life and Love
Explore profound quotes from renowned thinkers on success, happiness, gratitude, hope, and more.
If you feel out of place or know someone who goes through a difficult phase, words can provide good advice. In difficult situations, let you know that we are not alone with our feelings.
There are many such aphorisms and quotes: from sayings about the family over-touching mom sayings that make you cry to clever statements about falsehood, the broad range of life extends.
Whether the wise sayings of intellectual leaders such as Buddha, Confucius, and Dalai Lama or philosophers, theologians, and writers come – you can feel the meaning of life with them. In this article, you will find a selection of quotes and aphorisms on all important topics of Wisdom in life.
Wise Sayings to think
I carefully selected the best sayings about life and love and other great topics such as success, joy, gratitude, happiness, hope, and courage. It is not only beautiful sayings but also unpleasant wisdom.
Sometimes we need them more urgently.
Wisdom Quotes About Life
Who hasn’t broken their head about what meaning life has?
People are looking for meaning. We need the meaning of air to breathe. Whether religion or another story makes sense depends on the personal living conditions.
What is the meaning of your life? You can’t answer? This is how many of us feel!
If you think about yourself and your life, these Inspirational wisdom quotes can serve as inspiration or directional instructions.
Quotes About the Meaning of Life
1. “This is the most important thing in life to live according to the truth.”
– Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900), Irish writer
2. “The sense comes with life.”
– Frank Elbers
3. “If the meaning is lost, then life. If life is lost, then love. ”
– Laotse (presumably 6th century BC), a Chinese philosopher
4. “If you question your life, you have to look for solutions.”
– Gerhard Uhlenbruck (*1929), German immune biologist and aphoristician
5. “The lives of many people are no longer good these days – but to have it good.”
– Ernst Ferstl (*1955), Austrian teacher, poet and aphoristician
6. “A life is fulfilled with deeds, not with idle years.”
– Ovid (43 BC – 17 AD), Roman epic
7. “Life does not consist of having good cards, but with those, you have to play well.”
– Josh Billings (1818-1885), American humorist
8. “Everything in life has its price; Even the things you imagine that you get them. ”
– Theodor Fontane (1819 – 1898), German writer and journalist
9. “Every life has its measure of suffering. Sometimes this does our awakening. ”
– Buddha (560 – 480 BC), founder of Buddhism
10. “Those who find their own life and that of their fellow human beings are not only unhappy but also hardly viable.”
– Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955), theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize winner for Physics 1921
Way Quotes About Love –
What does an adaptation of the children’s song “On the Wall, on the Lurk” look like is one of the best answers to what love is, don’t you find?
No, you can’t define love. Just as there are many ways to say “I love you”, you can also describe love as a phenomenon in a variety of ways.
Which of the following wise sayings is your favorite?
Feeling or Attitude to Life
1. “Love is a suggestive strength and knows that love also awakens love.”
– Honoré de Balzac (1799 – 1850), French philosopher and writer
2. “Love longing is love itself.”
– Jean-Paul (1763 – 1825), German poet, publicist, and educator
3. “That means life and love be one that love is life and that life is love.”
– Georg Büchner (1813 – 1837), German writer
4. “Love is the spice of life, it can sweeten it, but also salt.”
– Confucius (551 – 479 BC), Chinese philosopher
5 “Of all the tempting lies that you are told, the worst thing about love is.”
– George R.R. Martin (*1948), writer, screenwriter, and producer
6. “What is love? Love is when you – oh what! Love is love. ”
– Erich Mühsam (1878 – 1934), German writer
7. “Dispute in love is renewal in love.”
– Terez (195 – 159 BC), a Roman poet
8. “This is the blessing of true love that in love itself is the balm for the wounds of love.”
– Jeremias Gotthelf (1797 – 1854), Swiss pastor and narrator
9. “There is no love without suffering, But suffer without love. ”
– Walter Ludin (*1945), Swiss journalist, editor, aphorist, and author
10. “Life is a mirror. Where love looks into it, love looks back. ”
– Gudrun Zydek (*1944), German writer
11. “Love is the whole. We are only the parts. ”
– Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi (1207-1273), Islamic poet and mystic
12. “If it is true that there are as many types of minds as heads, then there are as many types of love and hearts.”
– Leo Tolstoi (1828 – 1910), Russian writer
Wise Quotes About the Weather of Life – of Happiness and Misfortune
The sunshine comes after the rain. Or: The world consists of light and shadow. Such phrases testify to the human experience that you can not only be happy. And that the good thing is!
Other beautiful and true words can be found beyond the following quotes under our sayings about the rain and colorful rainbow wisdom.
1. “Fortunately, not every luck is to be.”
– Martin Gerhard Reisenberg (*1949), librarian and author
2. “Happiness rises from misfortune and misfortune is already hidden in happiness.”
– Laotse (presumably 6th century BC), a Chinese philosopher
3. “Happiness and misfortune hike together. In misfortune, man is tested, in happiness the inhuman. ”
– Moritz Gottlieb Saphir (1795 – 1858), Austrian author and journalist
4. “In happiness humility, courage in misfortune …”
– Christian Fürchtegott Gellert (1715 – 1769), German narrator and poet
5. “United, happiness separates people.”
– Karl Julius Weber (1767 – 1832), German lawyer and writer
6. “Happiness is an eternal hiker – luckily the misfortune too.”
– Lilli U. Kreßner (*1957), writer
7. “In luck, a father; In misfortune, a mother. ”
– Hindi saying a word
8. “You have to rule happiness, overcome misfortune.”
– German proverb
9. “I don’t want to say: don’t cry; Because not all tears are bad. ”
– J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1937), English academic, philologist, and writer
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Wise Quotes About the Joy, the origin of happiness
Many people confuse happiness with joy. Of course, you are happy when you are happy. But joy is a bright, nice feeling while happiness a state is. As Buddha would say: there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.
For me, happiness is a state that arises from the feeling of joy and feeds on him.
So giving a lovely person with heart sayings or other ways to give pleasure. Sayings about the inner child also help to find happiness, because as we know, great happiness is often hidden in small things …
1. “The joy is not in happiness, but happiness lies in joy.”
– From Russia
2. “The joy is salt in human life. Everything is tasted without joy. ”
– Wilhelm Heinze (1746 – 1803), actually Johann Jakob Wilhelm Heintze, German writer, librarian, and translator
3. “If you don’t enjoy the world, the world doesn’t enjoy it either.”
– Berthold Auerbach (1812 – 1882), German liberal cultural politician and writer
4. “The joy of little ones is the hardest joy because it is a big heart.”
– German proverb
5. “Proving a friend a joy is synonymous with giving yourself joy.”
– Unknown
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6. “Joy is more unspeakable than happiness,
Happiness breaks over people, happiness is fate –
They bring joy to bloom
Joy is simply a good season over the heart;
Joy is the extreme that people have in their power. ”
– Rainer Maria Rilke (1875 – 1926), Austrian writer
7. “The best way to make yourself a joy is: trying to make someone else happy.”
– Mark Twain (1835-1910), American writer
8. “Joy of existence is great, bigger the Freud’ on existence. ”
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832), German poet
Wise Quotes About Gratitude, an Underestimated Virtue
In addition to joy, gratitude – so many people believe – is important for happiness.
The most beautiful spring sayings remind us, for example, that we should be grateful for every new beginning, every renewal, and every new hope.
And the quotes about ingratitude exhort us to get on the wrong path and to take life and the world for granted.
1. “Gratitude is the sky itself, and it could not be heaven, there would be no gratitude.”
– William Blake (1757 – 1827), English poet, mystic, and painter
2. “If you cannot be grateful for what you get, then at least be grateful for the one you have escaped.”
– Unknown
3. “Being happy and grateful is the highest form of meditation.”
– Mohinder Singh Jus (*1947), homeopath
4. “Whoever enjoys the good gratefully, also learns to tolerate Übles.”
– Johann Caspar Lavater (1741 – 1801), Swiss pastor, philosopher, and writer
5. “May you gratefully live with yourself every day.”
– Old Tyrian blessing
(By the way, under the Irish blessing sayings there are the most beautiful congratulations!)
6. “You still have to learn that, gratefully and happy to enjoy the good moment.”
– Friedrich Halm (1806 – 1871), Austrian writer
7. “Not the lucky ones are grateful. They are the grateful ones who are happy. ”
– Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626), English philosopher, lawyer, and statesman
8. “Anyone who gratefully enjoys every ray of sun will also know how to live with the shadow.”
– German proverb
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Reading Tip:
Wisdom quotes hold a profound power to ignite introspection and inspire personal growth. These quotes, often rooted in deep observations and experiences, offer valuable insights that can guide us through life’s challenges and uncertainties.
Similarly, Quotes About Personal Growth provide the motivation to reflect on our journey and embrace change. Best blessings quotes, infused with wisdom, blend gratitude with profound understanding, encouraging us to appreciate the blessings we have and approach life with mindfulness.
As we contemplate these wisdom quotes, we invite their transformative energy into our lives, shaping our thoughts, actions, and relationships.
Let these best blessings quotes, steeped in wisdom, serve as a gentle reminder to embrace the beauty of life’s journey and to cultivate gratitude for the abundant blessings that surround us.
Wise Words About Hope – A source of vitality
Hope is a double-edged sword. With the hope, you can build on sand if you wait in vain for something. But we all know that we cannot live without hope.
The most beautiful sayings in the Bible and other saints and philosophical writings also tell about hope and its effect. Also, the following Aphorisms and quotes deal with their positive sides.
Philosophical Wisdom Quotes
1. “The bird jumps from branch to branch and the person from hope to hope.”
– Waltraud Puzicha (1925 – 2013), German aphoristician
2. “Last but not least, hope dies, hope never dies!”
– Unknown
3. “Hope is a guard.”
– Aristotle (384 – 322 BC), Greek philosopher
4. “Hope exhilarated thoughts, love hope.”
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832), the most famous German poet
5. “Hope is half luck.”
– From Asia
6. “Hope and fear are inseparable because there is no fear without hope and no hope without fear.”
– François de la Rochefoucauld (1613 – 1680), French officer, diplomat and writer
7. “Hope for enjoyment is almost as cute when hope that has already been fulfilled.”
– William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616), English poet, actor, and theater director
8. “Hope, which is delayed, anxiety the heart; But when it comes to what you desire, that’s a tree of life. ”
– Old Testament. Solomon’s sayings, Spr 13:12
9. “The despair deceives more often than hope.”
– Eastern wisdom
Wise Sayings About Courage, a driving force
In the past, fear and courage were considered contradictions. Today we know that there is no courage without fear.
In my opinion, the bravest people among us are parents, especially single parents. In our quotations and sayings, you can read about how they overcome fears, obstacles, and difficulties.
Most people will recognize themselves in the following quotes. And remember: Courage is good, but high spirits are rarely good!
1. “Courage fights without swords.”
– German proverb
2. “You can acquire everything, knowledge, dexterity, just not the courage. You can’t learn courage. ”
– Henri Stendhal (1783 – 1842), French writer, military and politician
3. “Thinking differently than the crowd is the courage to say what you think is the courage to do – and foolish!”
– August von Kotzebue (1761 – 1819), German lawyer and playwright
4. “No courage without fear.”
– Heike Ullmann (*1967), German psychologist and author
5. “Get a despondent courage.”
– Manfred Hinrich (1926 – 2015), Dr. Phil., German philosopher, philologist, teacher, journalist, and writer
6. “Courage finds help.”
– German proverb
7. “The true courage is to show courage, especially if you are not brave.”
– Jules Renard (1864 – 1910), French writer
8. “It is more courage to courage in front of the friend than courage before the enemy.”
– Paul Mommertz (*1930), German writer
9. “Courage is the strength to tear away from the familiar.”
– Unknown
Wisdom Quotes About Success – hard but true sayings
What is success for you? Your answer to this question is not the whole truth. There are different social views about who is successful. There are also different opinions on how success affects people.
Regardless of whether you have the feeling that you have reached the tip of success or emulate him, the following sayings are hard but true.
Our wisdom about loyalty and loyalty is also suitable for this.
1. “Success wipes all the arguments off the table. Success is the argument. ”
– Manfred Hinrich (1926 – 2015), German philosopher, philologist, teacher, journalist and writer
2. “People who have much success are often less successful than humans.”
– Gerhard Uhlenbruck (*1929), German immune biologist and aphoristician
3. “Success arouses envy.”
– Kurt Haberstich (*1948), Swiss author and aphoristician
4. “Success justifies actions.”
– Ovid (43 BC – 17 AD), Roman epic
5. “Success is successful, who breaks the rules.”
– Mike Fischer (*1963), entrepreneur and speaker
6. “Only success counts in politics.”
– Kurt Tucholsky (1890 – 1935), German writer and journalist
7. “Success makes some crimes honorable.”
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca (approx. 4 BC – 65 AD), Roman philosopher, stoic, writer, naturalist, and politician
8. “Success counts, the failure is counted.”
– Nikolaus Cybinski (*1936), German teacher and aphorist
9. “Success was always the biggest liar.”
– Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900), German philosopher and writer
Wise Sayings Briefly for your WhatsApp status
Short wisdom quotes can contain so much truth. To hit the core of a thing in a few words is a masterpiece. Here you have a small selection of wise sayings from masters and masters of different areas of creating.
If you want to send an impetus to think out into the world, they are a direct hit.
Quotes and wisdom for the soul are also suitable as inspiring status messages.
1. “Everything is based on the opinion.”
– Marc Aurel (121 – 180), Roman emperor and philosopher
2. “Which would be completely prejudiced without prejudice should also be against the prejudice.”
– Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830-1916), Austrian writer
3. “If a god has made this world, I don’t want to be the god: your whimper would tear my heart.”
– Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860), German philosopher
4. “I have observed that I am not avoiding people to live calmly, but to be able to die calmly.”
– Franz Kafka (1883 – 1924), German-language writer
5. “It is human to be upset about something, but it’s not good to remain in this trouble.”
– Vincent van Gogh (1853 – 1890), Dutch painter and graphic artist
6. “Be yourself the change that you want to see in the world.”
– Mahatma Gandhi (1869 – 1948), Indian lawyer, publicist, moral teacher, Asket and Pacifist
7. “If the path is long, you can see the strength of a horse; If the day is long, you can see a person’s character. ”
– Chinese Proverb
8. “The world changes through your role model, not through your opinion.”
– Paulo Coelho (*1974), Brazilian writer
9. “The whole strudel strives up; You believe to push and you will be pushed. ”
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832), German poet
Wise Words as funny sayings
Pearls of Wisdom are sometimes funny or ironic and sometimes literally sarcastic. Humor has many faces. In any case, it ensures relief, like if we briefly stop a heavy load from our shoulders.
The following humorous sayings show that wisdom can also have a funny tone.
1. “I may have the maturity to forgive you, but not the stupidity of trusting you again.”
– Unknown
2. “Why don’t you go together with all the stress? – No time.”
– Unknown
3. “Everyone is a genius! But if you judge a fish whether it can climb on a tree, he will think his whole life is stupid. ”
– Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955), theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize winner for Physics 1921
4. “Everything in life makes sense. Sometimes you only need a little distance to recognize it. ”
– Unknown
5. “The poor lack a lot, the stingy everything.”
– Publilius Syrus (around 90 – 40 BC), Roman moralist and aphoristician
6. “It depends on yourself whether you want to use the new year as a brake or as an engine.”
– Henry Ford (1863-1947), American industrialist and managing director, founder of the Ford Motor Company
7. “The head is round so that thinking can change the direction.”
– Francis Picabia (1879-1953), French writer, painter, and graphic artist
8. “I am. Everything else is too exhausting for me. ”
– Ernst Ferstl (*1955), Austrian teacher, poet and aphoristician
9. “Everyone said: that doesn’t work. Then someone came who didn’t know. And did it. ”
– Unknown
Wise Sayings in Rhymes – Wise Words in Poems
These five poems sum up important Wisdom in life in rhymes.
Maybe one of them fits particularly well with your congratulations on the birthday of a dear person. Or as comforting mourning for relatives who have to cope with a loss?
1. Theodor Fontane (1819 – 1898), German writer and journalist
“Be always mild and keep away
From Hofart your soul.
We all change in front of the Lord
the way in guilt and lack.
Want a saying, want a behest
Sharpen you in your soul:
“It may be so who knows so,
Throw the stone on others. ”
The virtue that am very proud of
is self-lifting;
Whoever loves all rights,
knows how to forgive. ”
2. Justinus Kerner (1786 – 1862), German doctor and poet
“When suddenly in your lifestyle
The darkest of the night’s breaks
you don’t understand where it comes from
what she is pondering
You deeper gram, speechlessly silent,
the saying consoles you: God knows why. ”
3. Gudrun Zydek (*1944), German writer
“The book of wisdom
You think you have found her now
the wisdom, bound into a book,
And are hardly smarter than before.
Because you don’t know you poor gate,
that only access is granted
To what is already yours.
Wherever you look inside
will just be a mirror yourself. ”
4. Diana Denk (*1975), author
Your last spark went hope
So let the time only run,
Because every once-lost spark
Always lives up to wisdom.
Wisdom brings in difficult times
when you are far a big piece
and on the new ones
you will find a stroke of new luck. ”
5. Friedrich von Bodenstedt (1819 – 1892), German philologist, translator and director
“Look no wisdom and experience
deepened dust in old books –
The very best revelation
is: who dripped from the first source! ”
Final Thoughts
Pearls of Wisdom have a universal character. They are the result of a variety of experiences. Wise sayings get to the point. Spiritual leaders and masters of the written word manage to express wisdom briefly and concisely.
You were able to read not only beautiful sayings but also unpleasant truths in this post. It is of course up to you whether you want to use the wise words as a WhatsApp status or enrich your congratulations for someone.
True words hit the mark. Convince yourself with this selection yourself and save or send the sayings that best match a certain situation.
Have fun browsing and thinking!