Apps & Software

Emberify: Marketer’s Guide About Instagram Creator Accounts

Emberify A Marketer's Guide About Instagram Creator Accounts

Instagram is a widely known platform worldwide, with more than 1 billion users actively watching videos and posts. To have a presence on Instagram, you must create a professional or personal account.

But have you heard of the Instagram creator account? What is it? How do Instagram creator accounts differ from other profiles? To all the questions that are boggling in your mind, this article will help you find the correct answers.

What Is an Instagram Creator Account?

An Instagram creator account is one professional account where influencers and creators can access various Instagram features and make the controls more accessible. With creator accounts, it would be easy to understand the growth and manage the messages. If you are a creative person, who needs to utilize the platform, you must sign up as a creator account.

Emphasizing Instagram creator accounts will make individuals popular on the platform. Moreover, if you want global exposure, you should use the free Instagram views trial and experience infinite growth on the platform.

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Who Can Effectively Use an Instagram Creator Account?

Instagram creator accounts are mainly for individuals who want to build their brand. Influencers, public figures, content producers, artists, etc., can use the platform and monetize easily. Instagram acknowledges the importance of influencers and helps them grow on the platform.

Features of Instagram Creator Accounts

There are numerous benefits available on the Instagram creator account. As well as there are no more requirements for Instagram creator accounts. The only criterion is to include the contact information, but you can control this on the profile visibility. So, let’s check out the various features you can enjoy using the creator’s account.

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1. Detailed Insights

Influencers and creators need to understand follower growth and activity. By analyzing this alone, you can improve your ranking level. So creator accounts have access to in-depth insights dashboards. You can access the data of your followers and check on how they engage with your content.

For instance, influencers and creators can now map out what they want, and you can create content that can resonate with your audience. It will help you make the right post.

2. Streamlined Messaging

Creator accounts have access to DM filtering options. Creators can filter based on three categories: primary, General, and requests. These DM filters will allow you to separate your friends, fans, and potential followers. You can even mark the essential conversations you want to recall whenever you want. Of course, as a good creator, you must remember to reply. With streamlined messaging, creators can connect with the audience better.

Furthermore, creators can save time using personalized keyboard shortcuts for standard messaging. It will reduce time by making the audience feel your online presence and credibility.

The saved replies will provide the answers constantly. It is a simple process, where you have to click on the settings and then scroll down to the creator and locate saved replies. Now you can create your custom keyboard shortcuts. Now you can enter the words and shortcuts, and thereby you can utilize the saved responses.

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3. Scheduling Options

As a new update, the app now has in-built scheduling options. Till now, users have been using only third-party apps to schedule their posts. However, if you check on the creator dashboard, once you are done with the post and click on publish, an option appears called ‘Schedule .’Now you can choose your date and time. Hurrah! It’s all set and no worries.

4. Shoppable Posts

Even a professional account can be made shoppable. To gain a better experience, you can switch over to a creator account. Now Instagram creators can include the featured products on their organic posts. When the customers click on the product tag, the link will direct them to the purchase page. With a creator account, it is now possible to sell products or give your product recommendations.

5. Contact Options

On the creator’s account, there will be more options so that you can control the people who want to contact you. For example, you can have control over messages, CTA links, etc., The creators need to be reassured about the clumsy inbox. The clutters will be neglected, and you shall simplify your messages. Creators can include any of their contacts, i.e., via phone, text, and email.

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6. Extra Labels

Creators’ accounts specifically explain to the audience who you are and your interests. The labels include words like writer, chef, artist, etc. Additionally, the creators will have access to industry-related labels for their accounts. Therefore, more prominent brands can leverage it and enhance their search engine rankings.

Similarly, Instagram creator accounts have more possibilities for brand positioning. Moreover, you can try using Emberify, which will skyrocket your popularity.

How to Shift to an Instagram Creator Account?

The following are simple steps that you can follow to switch to an Instagram creator account,

  1. Keep open the Instagram app. Go to your profile and click on the settings.
  2. Tap settings and scroll down to the account. Now tap to switch to a professional account.
  3. Now swipe down the menu and select ‘continue.’
  4. Select a specific brand category and choose ‘creator’ as your account type.
  5. Now, you can review the contact info and select next. You shall now connect the existing Facebook business page to your Instagram account. Here is how individuals can switch to creator accounts.

Wrapping Up

Do your accounts need to achieve the desired results? Then it’s time to jump onto the creators’ accounts. At this point, shifting to the Instagram creator’s account is an added value for the business.

The insights on the creators’ accounts will analyze and tell you both the success and failure of your account. Unlike other account types, creator accounts shall quickly get to know the audience well.


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