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38+ Best About Me Page Examples for Websites and Blogs

About Me, Page is an essential part of every business website and Portfolio. A good about me page not only grab a reader’s attention but also provide them with required information about you. Presenting your personality in your design is very imperative and there is no better way to do it than on the About Me Page. Any Web Site Design Company can do it for you.  Here we are sharing some of best About Me Examples and Tips about writing inspiring About me pages. These attractive about me examples will give you ideas for your blog page design.

To view any of the about me page in action, just click the relevant image.

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Tips to write an inspiring “About Me Page”

Before creating an About Me, you should know exactly what is the purpose of this page and where are you writing it. Following are a few tips to help you in making “About Me Page” for your blog/website which will look more impressive and attractive.

  1. Remember people want to know who you are, so be original, honest and open about yourself. Readers love it when you reveal the negativity in your personality along with positivity.
  2. You can also tell some inspiring story from your life experiences. A story may possess more power to hold a reader’s attention than general information.
  3. Don’t create very long About Me pages. The readers avoid the pages that hold long and detailed content. So the moment it starts to get boring and uninteresting, write the ending lines.
  4. An inspiring About Me page should not only look good but also it should serve the purpose of its creation.
  5. Be considerate about the colors and styles you use. Quick leaps from bold colors to soft ones or different styles can leave a poor impression on the reader.
  6. Put some impressive academic or experimental stuff. To create an inspiring About Me page, you need to show your genius side to the readers.
  7. Make sure that you use clear words in your sentences. If your page holds any confusion or ambiguity, the readers might prefer leaving it.
  8. Use your favorite quote or saying and tell the readers how it inspired you. It is a great way to communicate and make a connection with readers.
  9. Save a little space for “About You”. Tell the readers what you expect and what you wish to do with their help.
  10. Make sure that the theme, color combination, and design of your page is getting along with your written information.

About Me Page Examples


This artistic page from Janis is very eye-catching and attractive. The artist’s life, thoughts, and aesthetic style is displayed with the help of soothing colors. The large picture makes the page more captivating. View



Mangools really worked hard as a team. They’ve built many tools after the massive success of Take a look at their about me page. View


The about me page for Egopop includes a large picture of the designer with his biography and history in a simple way. View


Mark McGall

Mark’s about me page is skillfully done with the superimposition of the face on Mount Rushmore. This feature adds a certain kind of exclusivity on the page.View


Toby Powell

Toby Powell’s page is another example of simple yet stirring about me page. It induces the readers to explore more about the owner. View


Lord Likely

This page is inspired by the Victorian era theme with old world style in an attractive way. The old style makes it impressive for readers. View



This designer from Sweden made him About Me page inspiring and unique by taking an overhead shot of himself, unlike the usual pictures. With bold typography, page’s visual interest has been enhanced. View


Floating Asian Kid

This page is intriguing and captivating with a beautiful design. The Concept behind floating Asian kid displays the owner’s thought in an inspiring way. View


David DeSandro

This about me page includes the wonderful combination of rightly chosen colors and clear typography. The page is both modest and fascinating. View


James A. Reeves

This page from James A. Reeves is a neat and simple example of inspiring About Me page. It allows the large scale photography in the background of a page. View


Dan – About Me Sample

This is another example of a simple and to-the-point About Me page. The addition of a large self-portrait makes the page more in-connection with readers. View


Alex Dawson

Alex Dawson presents him About Me page in a very simple and functional way. The page is created in a way that readers find it easy to browse through the desired info. View


Adam Dannaway

Adam Dannaway’s page is a simple and to-the-point illustration of his ideas and skills. The simplicity in an attractive way makes it more inspiring. View



The guys over at Superfluent design came up with an about page that really spoke to their personalities. You get to know little quirks about them as well as hire them for projects! View





Yellow Leaf Hammocks

Yellow Leaf Hammocks is a company trying to save the world via hammocks. The brand plans to accomplish this by selling hand-woven hammocks from artisans in Thailand. The idea alone should be enough to make this a brand worthy of your attention (and money) but the story of how founder Joe Demin discovered these hammocks and the statistics regarding poverty found on the About page are equally compelling. Both humanize the brand, company, and product which should motivate you into purchasing a hammock. View


Twitter – About Me Page

Don’t be fooled by the lack of bells and whistles on Twitters About page. It’s there for one purpose. To get you to sign up for the social network. If you browse through the page you’ll notice interlinking everywhere. These links take will eventually take you back to the Home page, which is where Twitter wants you to land since that is where visitors sign-up. It’s a very effective tactic. View


Station Four Agency

A team of professional strategists, developers, and marketers we excel at applying the right plan and technology to achieve our client’s objectives. View


Smart Web

A creative digital agency with 10 years experience in web developing. Specialised for e-commerce websites based on Magento platform. View



Tumblr has a near perfect About Page. It’s clean, easy to digest, and provides all of the important information front and center, such as how many blogs or the number of employees. If you keep scrolling, however, you’ll also be treated to the latest blog posts, which are usually based off trending topics. It’s fun and informational! View



Not many companies do as good of a job at creating a successful about page as Tobi. Tobi uses their about page to convey the basics of their company, and help you understand the basics of their company. View



DigitalTrend is one of the leading tech magazines. which is extremely recommended for highly tech lovers. Take a look at their about me page the way the showed up their team is amazing. View

digital trend

Sara Sadik

The tag line of Sarasadik’s blog is “Finding The Magic In MommyHood” will explain almost everything about her site. Sara has had about a dozen jobs: media expert, journalist, human rights activist, cat watcher, editor, and even life coach for about 3 minutes,  View



Time2project is being led by Giuseppe Scappaticcio, who is an italian Web Strategist based in Tuscany, Italy. He has been working for over 10 years in the internet industry, producing a moltitude of professional, innovative, and creative projects for his clients, including corporate branding, website design, and web promotions. View


Pointless Corp

What makes Pointless Corp’s company about page so useful and fabulous is that it not only looks extremely cool and creative, but it points to all of the things they’ve created when they created them, and the purpose of each of their projects. View



Moz decided to provide visitors with a timeline to tell their story. But, the site didn’t go overboard with details. Instead, the SEO consulting firm only shares highlights with circular images on a track, which you can easily scroll through. With this method, Moz can showcase their awards and accomplishments without coming across as show-offs. View



LessFilms is a video production company that decided to show off their wit and sense of humor by basing their entire site on wrestling. Yes. Professional wrestling. Somehow, the duo makes it work. The result is an original and unique page that gives LessFilms a lot of personalities. The personality that would make us feel completely comfortable hiring the company for film production needs. View


Kitschen Sink






Bright Bright Great

Bright Great is a branding and design agency who has chosen to showcase their team members creatively in a series of mugshots. View


Andrew Reifman

If you make your living doing freelance work, then you know how important it is to not only sell people on your talent, skills, and resume, but also on who you are.

In that area, Andrew Reifman succeeds. The graphic designer includes all of the important information required on an About Page but presents it in a comical and almost video-game themed way. It definitely gives you an idea of who Andrew Reifman truly is and what his personality is like. View



829 Studios is a Boston-based integrated agency with a passion for performance marketing. View





Joseph Payton






Grzegorz Kozak



Dawghouse Design Studio



Crane Brothers

Crane Brothers does an excellent job of keeping their about page short and to the point with a minimal amount of information, but just enough to help you get the information you need and find out how to contact them. View


hope you liked above mentioned creative About me Examples, Do Share your views in Comment. . . Cheers :)


Hi. I'm Mursaleen Siddique, The guy behind I'd rather call myself a struggling Blogger. I love Blogging with WordPress, Covering Tech, General Topics, Graphic & Web Design Inspiration., Feel free to get in touch via mentioned social media platform or E-mail me at hello[at]


    1. Thank you for commenting :)
      if you’re planning to create a inspiring about me page.. kindly do share you page with us so that we could publish at our site ..
      Thank you once again

  1. thank you very informative post :)
    w’ll definitely help to make my about me page

  2. Nice collection. here only i learn how to design about me page to attract all the visitors . reAlly great.

    i will add it on my website now to create wonderful about me page

    thank you !!

  3. thank you for this informative post.currently working on about me page.

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