Web Design Inspiration

Why Use WordPress 18 Reasons Why It’s Perfect For Your Small Business Website


Released in 2003 as a fork of another content management system, WordPress has come a long way.

It’s become a primary CMS for users across the globe. Because of its open-source nature and customizability, it’s become a fan favorite. Users everywhere use this tool to create websites ranging from full-fledged eCommerce stores to hobbyist web blogs.

If you’re an individual looking to start a business or get your word out to the public, then there’s no better starting point than WordPress.

This post is all about praising WordPress for everything that it is.

The following are 18 reasons why WordPress is so influential and why it’s a perfect match for your small business.

Let’s start with the very first one.

1. It’s search engine friendly

Right from the get-go, WordPress is one of the friendliest platforms when it comes to SEO. Not only does it have support for off-page SEO, but it also facilitates on-page SEO with a plugin called Yoast. The framework of the CMS facilitates search engine crawling and websites created with WordPress are known for their speed.

2. It’s mobile-friendly

With Google’s web policy now shifting towards mobile-friendliness, you need to make your website as mobile-friendly as you possibly can. Fortunately, with WordPress’s themes, you can use a ready-made mobile responsive website. On top of that, you can also create a mobile-friendly website if you so wish.

3. It’s Adaptable

As a small business, you’re going to have your own unique needs and preferences. WordPress, for its part, facilitates those needs perfectly by providing you with a variety of plugins and extensions that you can use to add more functionality to your website. Like Playstore apps, the saying “there’s an app for everything” applies just as much to WordPress plugins and extensions.

4. It’s customizable

While WordPress does provide you with a ready-made website, you can customize it in any way you want. Because of its open-source nature and collection of website development plugins, even a ranked beginner can learn to build a website without ever touching a piece of code. WordPress’s customizability has become an individual industry providing WordPress development services for all sorts of businesses.


See Also: The 18 best SEO plugins for WordPress in 2024

5. It reigns supreme in the CMS market

While other CMS platforms are present in the market, WordPress doesn’t face any direct competition for its ranking. CMS usage statistics show that it’s a platform used by 65% of all websites. The second most popular are Drupal, Joomla, and others. However, their market share is still in single-digit percentages.

6. It’s secure and safe

A lot of criticism has been lodged towards the security of the platform. Yes, WordPress websites are indeed somewhat prone to hacking. However, that is primarily due to a lack of maintenance. WordPress, for its part, doesn’t lag on security and constantly monitors the security of its platform.

7. It doesn’t cost anything to use

The core WordPress software is free to use. You don’t have to worry about paying for using WordPress itself. You can create a website with ease through it. However, you still have to pay the price of domain names and hosting services. Beyond that, however, you don’t have to pay anything.

8. It’s very simple to use

WordPress is not short on simplicity. As we discussed before, it can be used by any individual without having an understanding of code. Its learning curve is easy and there are so many resources for you to get your head around.

9. It’s ready to use

The moment you install WordPress, you can start to use it. Lots of things come equipped with the WordPress platform itself. Social media interactions, comments, and blogging options are just a few examples of this.


10. It’s got tons of sources of support

There are a bunch of support options provided by both the WordPress community and WordPress itself. There are thousands upon thousands of WordPress tutorials that you can use to create and manage your WordPress websites.

11. It’s used by big-name brands and small businesses alike

WordPress isn’t just limited to small businesses. Big businesses like Mashable, NASA, the Wall Street Journal, and more use WordPress for their content management needs. Even the white house uses WordPress as its CMS. From this, you can understand that WordPress doesn’t play around.

12. It supports all eCommerce

WordPress, with the help of its eCommerce plugin, WooCommerce, allows you to create an eCommerce store with ease. From product management to creating efficient checkouts, and more, WooCommerce is powerful enough to support all that. You can create just about any store, regardless of whether it’s a b2c or b2b eCommerce.

13. It supports social media integration

Visitors to your website don’t have to face the trouble of making an account to post comments. With WordPress social media integration, they can make posts or schedule posts on Instagram and comments using their social media handles. This enables communication to never stop.

14. It helps keep your site looking fresh

Because of the level of customizability, you can keep updating your website according to the latest developments in website design. WordPress flexibility helps you to refresh the layout and general design of your website with ease.

15. It’s a blogging giant

WordPress began as a blogging platform. While it has moved towards different things, it still hasn’t lost touch with the blogging sphere. WordPress comes with a variety of tools to make your blogs stand out from the rest. With its efficient search engine optimization plugins, you can make your blog posts rank higher in search engines.

16. It lets you add testimonials

Having testimonials on your website can improve the legitimacy of your website. WordPress provides you the ability to add testimonials and social proof in the form of reviews. There are plenty of widgets by WordPress for that purpose.


17. It has multiple user roles

If you’re working with a lot of people on your website, you can create hierarchies through WordPress’s various roles and permissions. You can divide your users based on the level of control you want them to have.

18. It’s a platform that keeps improving

It’s a constantly updated platform. When you start to use the platform, you will realize how many minor and major updates are performed at the core WordPress platform. This is the primary reason why WordPress is so successful, it’s hard work on the platform itself. With those updates and improvements, you get access to more and more improved new features. In short, WordPress is evolving for the better.

See also: 21+ Simple Ways for Creating Viral Content

Final Words

From what we’ve discussed in this post, it should be clear that WordPress is used for a variety of different purposes. On top of that, it’s constantly expanding. For your small business, it’s the ideal choice since it gives you so much functionality and support.



Hi. I'm Mursaleen Siddique, The guy behind UltraUpdates.com. I'd rather call myself a struggling Blogger. I love Blogging with WordPress, Covering Tech, General Topics, Graphic & Web Design Inspiration., Feel free to get in touch via mentioned social media platform or E-mail me at hello[at]ultraupdates.com
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