
5 Tips to Ignite Your Students’ Imagination

5 Tips to Ignite Your Students’ Imagination

In the rush through education to get kids “on track” and up to grade level, imagination can get lost. Teachers and parents are encouraged to stay on top of kids’ studies but not so much their creativity. The reality is that creativity can be an essential pathway to intelligence and academic success.

One of the greatest thinkers of all time, Albert Einstein has even been quoted repeatedly on this point. As he said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” So, how do you ignite your students’ imagination? Here are just a few ways:

1. Take Advantage of Outside Time

Kids spend so much time inside classrooms, houses, and other buildings. And while indoor structures can offer opportunities for creativity, there is nothing like the great outdoors.

Sadly, recess in school, physical education, and even lunch hours have been cut. Kids spend more time inside than ever, and you’ve likely noticed how their imaginations suffer as a result. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way.

As an educator, you can create more opportunities for kids to get outside. You can advocate for longer recess and lunchtime. You could talk to your administrators about getting better playground equipment. And you can build an entire segment of class around kids going outdoors to learn on the playground instead of at their desks. One of the greatest aspects of teaching is thinking outside the box, so do it!

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2. Encourage Free Play in Nature

When they’re not on the playground, kids should be getting out in nature. Playgrounds offer interesting ways for kids to work with man-made structures. Nature offers children a world of possibility. Free play in nature has been proven time and again to promote creativity and imagination in children. Without it, kids come to rely solely on supplies and surroundings designed by others.

Although educators may not always have full control over facilitating outdoor experiences for children, they still wield influence. One approach is to arrange field trips to local nature paths or nature centers, providing opportunities for children to explore the outdoors. Educators can also engage with parents to encourage incorporating nature time into family activities.

Additionally, introducing nature-themed books in the classroom can spark children’s interest in the natural world. It’s not necessary to teach at a specialized forest school to contribute positively to students’ engagement with nature during their free time.

3. Inspire Kids to Tell Stories

You also don’t have to be a storyteller to inspire kids to tell stories! The power of reading is tremendous, and reading aloud to children is a surefire way to spark their imagination. Like time outside, reading time has largely gone by the wayside in the classroom. As kids get older, reading becomes less of a fun pastime and more of a chore. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Bring reading back into the classroom with picture books for younger kids and even graphic novels for older kids. Read a book aloud to the class, and ask leading questions about the story. Finally, have kids write their own stories inspired by the one you read. You can set them up to write a picture book or a graphic novel of their own, something to be proud of and take home. The more stories kids hear and engage with, the more they will want to create!

4. Let Them Be Bored

Up to now, you’ve engaged with the kids a lot. You’re helping them get new playground equipment and spend more time outside. You’re reading them stories and helping them write their own. All of this is wonderful, but you also want to offer balance. Sometimes, adults do so much for kids that they forget to just leave them alone to figure things out. Today, children are hyper-scheduled and always entertained.

This approach to parenting and educating has led to a population of kids losing their imaginations. You can help shift this trend by ensuring kids do not have unlimited access to devices in the classroom. You can also provide them with downtime in class. Give kids 30 minutes or an hour to create their project, draw, write, or wander the room looking at things. Then, talk with parents about taking the same approach at home. Bored kids get creative fast.

5. Model, Model, Model

Finally, modeling behavior is a topic rarely discussed among teachers and parents. It makes sense — you don’t want to feel judgmental or critical of each other. But the truth is what it has always been; kids learn from the adults closest to them, and they learn what they see. Children from violent households often become violent. Children from a household of readers often become lifelong readers.

What does this have to do with you? Well, even though you’re not the parent of your students, you do spend hours each day with them. They’re watching what you do, and you can take advantage of that. Show them your creativity; read them a story you wrote or share your art with them. When they see you using your imagination, they will be inspired to use their own. It’s simple but quite effective; lead, and they will follow.

Perhaps one of the greatest parts of childhood from an adult perspective is how malleable their minds are. You have an incredible amount of power at your grasp to inspire these young minds. As Einstein said, if you want them to be intelligent, read them fairy tales and more fairy tales. You get to read them fairy tales and help create a magical world of wonder. Do this, and your students will be more likely to build on your creation with their own.

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