1000+ Short Inspirational Quotes

Friends Sayings: The most beautiful words for loved ones

Explore true, funny, and touching sayings to celebrate your best friend's birthday and cherish friendships.

Is it your best friend’s birthday and you’re wondering, “What can I write for my birthday?”. Friends sayings are often used to tell loved ones on holidays how much they mean to you.

Such loving gestures are also worthwhile on other days of the year, because as the saying goes: “Small gifts keep the friendship alive.” It doesn’t always have to be gifts, lovingly selected verses also show how valuable a relationship is to you. Be inspired by true, funny verses for men and women or sayings that touch the heart because of their depth…

Friends Sayings

Best Friends Sayings: Funny

Laughing together is good, preferably at ourselves. Humorous verses that describe a deep friendship:

  • “We’ll be friends until we’re old and senile. … And then we will be new friends.”
  • “I don’t know which is tighter, my jeans or our friendship.”
  • “True friends always help you up when you’re on the bottom. And if they don’t help you up, they lie down with you for a while and listen carefully.”
  • “Good friends don’t care if your apartment is tidy. The main thing is that you have enough wine in the fridge.”
  • “Visitor slippers were yesterday. Those who love their friends have visitor jogging pants ready.”

Friends Sayings

  • “Friendships are like beer bottles. If you drop them, they break. They become more beautiful with every sip.”
  • “Friends are like aspirin: we don’t know exactly why they have a healing effect, but they do.”
  • “Friends are like shoes. When you’re young you can’t have enough and later you realize it’s always the same people you’re comfortable with.”
  • “And suddenly someone comes along who just pours a few buckets of paint into your life and makes your world colorful again.”

Best Friends Sayings: True

True friends stick together in good times and in bad times. You criticize and still stand by when mistakes are made. Inspirational and Thoughtful Verses on Friendship:

  • “There is no better therapy than speaking up with your best friend/girlfriend.”
  • “The friends you can call at four in the morning that count.” (Marlene Dietrich)
  • “Nothing is more valuable than someone honest with you.”
  • “Home is where you’re missed when you’re not there.”
  • “Whoever stands in front of you has your back.”
  • “You don’t recognize friends by how they praise you, but by how they criticize you.”
  • “Friends who always have your back no matter what you do are priceless.”

Friends Sayings

  • “It’s not daily contact that makes a friendship, but the certainty that you can rely on each other – no matter when and how.”
  • “The greatest gift is time together. Because nobody knows how much of it we have left.”
  • “A friend knows your crazy stories. A true friend went through it with you.”
  • “Good friends are the ones who know how crazy you are and don’t mind being seen with you in public.”
  • “Good friends are easier to spot when life gets harder.”
  • “A true friend is someone who will drop everything when you need them.”
  • “Fake friends believe rumors. Real friends believe in you!”
  • “There are people who still don’t understand you after speaking a thousand words. And some people understand you without a word: FRIENDS.”

Best Friends Sayings:

  • “Friendships are like good bridges that carry us with all their strength across the dizzying heights and frightening depths of life.”
  • “You can do it all or nothing with your best friends and still have a great time.”
  • “You can tell true friends by the fact that they want you to be happy from the bottom of their hearts. Even if they can use some of it themselves.”
  • “Surround yourself with people who are important to you and who do you good. All others are energy guzzlers.”
  • “Life is like a train journey: many people get on, many people get off, but only a few accompany you to your destination.”
  • “Friends are like stars. You can’t always see them, but you know they’re always there for you.”
  • “The fact that we change over time doesn’t make us lose friends. It just makes sure we see who our true friends are.”

Friends Sayings

  • “A true friend not only accepts you as you are but supports you in becoming who you are meant to be.”
  • “For the best friend, you are not just a birthday date on the calendar or a number on your cell phone, but a piece of their own life!”
  • “A friendship doesn’t have to be perfect, it has to be real.”
  • “Taking people for granted is the best way to lose them.”
  • “Serve your friends without counting.” (Gottfried Keller)
  • “A real friendship usually lasts longer than the greatest love.” (Frank von Schillerberg-Gosheim)
  • “Without friends, we cannot live a perfect life.” (Dante Alighieri)
  • “Friendship is a door between two people. Sometimes it can creak, it can jam, but it is never locked.” (Balthasar Gracián y Morales)
  • “Really good friends are people who know us very well and still stand by us.” (Marie von Ebner Eschenbach)
  • “Friends are like postage stamps. They become more and more valuable the longer you have them!”

Best friend’s sayings to cry

In an intimate relationship, best friends can’t pretend to each other. The most beautiful verses that touch the heart:

Friends Sayings

  • “A true friend is someone who sees your smile and yet feels your soul is crying.”
  • “Even if the whole world were against you, I would have your back.”
  • “Even if we are miles apart, you are always very close to me in my heart.”
  • “No matter how difficult the path is, we walk it together!”
  • “A wound inflicted by a friend does not heal.” (African proverb)
  • “You know my vulnerable spots – and you cover them with balm.”
  • “Friends are like angels, helping us get back on our feet when our wings have forgotten how to fly.”
  • “No matter how low you sink, I may not be able to pull you up, but I will do everything I can to not let you fall.”

Best Friends Sayings: Girlfriend

The best friend sometimes knows more about the emotional world than the spouse and becomes a soul mate. The most beautiful verses for your dearest friend:

  • “Even though I say I’m fine, you can tell that’s not true.”
  • “You are to me like a star in the sky that shines more than all the others.”
  • “You are the friend who is always there for me, who always listens to me, who is most important to me, who understands me. I thank you for that!”
  • “A true friend is like a bra: hard to find, supportive, comfortable, uplifting, and close to the heart.”
  • “We are like two pieces of a puzzle: so different, and yet we fit together perfectly.
  • “I don’t necessarily have to go to the sea. With you, by my side, I can also look at a bucket of water and feel good.”
  • “Best friends don’t calm down. They get upset together!”

Best Friends Sayings: Men

With your best friend through thick and thin. Beautiful verses that do not only apply to male friendships:

  • “Best friends: It’s like salt and tequila, only better!”
  • “Friendship is when someone praises you for swimming well after you capsized while sailing.” (Werner Schneyder)
  • “Anyone can feel compassion for the suffering of a friend. But it takes a truly noble character to rejoice in the success of a friend.” (Oscar Wilde)
  • “A friend is someone who knows you need them right now.” (Oscar Wilde)
  • “You don’t get very far in friendship if you’re not willing to forgive small mistakes.” (Jean de La Bruyère)
  • “Always telling the truth probably doesn’t get you many friends, but it does get the right ones.” (John Lennon)
  • “At the highest level of friendship we do not reveal our faults to the friend, but his.” (François de La Rochefoucauld)
  • “It’s nice when you find people whose minds had the same interior designer.”
  • “Time is precious, so spend it with the right people.”
  • “People are interested in our outer destinies, our inner ones only in friends.” (Heinrich von Kleist)
  • “A friend is someone you can think aloud in front of.” – (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
  • “With a critical friend at your side, you move faster and faster.” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
  • “Friendship lasts longest when it’s sealed with a mutual promise to always tell the truth.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
  • “Criticize a friend secretly and praise him publicly.” (Leonardo da Vinci)
  • “If you’re in prison, a good friend will try to free you. A best friend, on the other hand, will sit next to you in the cell and say: Damn, that was fun!” (Groucho Marx)


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