
Making A Report For Thesis Defense

Making A Report For Thesis Defense

After the thesis is written, the student must defend it. Speaking before the grading committee, they make a report in which they talk about the research they have done and the results they have achieved.

Of course, some students simply order their thesis from the write my papers services, which helps them save time. And yet, you still have to know what your paper is about and defend it decently. So, here are a few tips on how to do it well.

The Essence of the Report

In the thesis report, the student presents their research. It is necessary to tell about the relevance and significance of the work, the goal setting, and the means of achieving it. The final grade depends to a large extent on how well the report is written and all the requirements are taken into account.

Depending on the situation, two options are possible:

  • The report is written in full, and at the defense of the diploma, the student will read the printed text. The advantage of this method is that it allows you to formulate all the necessary thoughts and logical transitions, develop a clear structure, etc., in a calm atmosphere. Disadvantage – if you read the entire text from the paper, it will not make the best impression on the certification committee, so you need to learn the whole report well and, when speaking, only occasionally glance at the printout.
  • Only the main points are formulated, and the student supplements them during their speech. The advantage is that the presentation will be more lively and dynamic. The disadvantage is that there is no literal clue what to say, so this method is suitable only for confident people who have experience in public speaking and do not get confused in the presence of listeners.


In his report, the student seeks to describe the research done in a concise form. They need to prepare a brief statement of the thesis’s main points so that the grading committee members get a general idea of its scientific significance. In this sense, the report can be compared to a presentation with a similar task – to present the preliminary information about the project quickly.


The presentation has a traditional sequence, which should be adhered to. Deviation from the established rules will not always be understood by members of the grading committee and can easily lead to a decrease in the final grade. In many cases, the following structure will be optimal:

  1. Greeting to the grading committee members, the introduction of the student, and their work.
  2. Introduction – reasons for choosing this area of research and its importance. If necessary – mention the consideration of the topic in the scientific literature.
  3. Explanation of the purpose and objectives of this work.
  4. Information about the objects of research.
  5. An account of the chosen research method and the mechanism for conducting it. If the thesis used the author’s methodology, tell about it.
  6. List of stages of the study and in what sequence the work was carried out.
  7. Information on the results obtained. This part of the presentation can be accompanied by graphs, diagrams, tables, and charts.
  8. A summary of the results. If a hypothesis was proposed at the beginning of the study, it is necessary to confirm or refute it.
  9. Talk about the prospects for using this work. This block can end with an indication of the conditions under which the study results can be used and the expected effect.
  10. Appeal to the grading committee members to thank them for their attention.

Scope and Duration

The report should be 5-7 minutes long (about 4-5 pages of text, typed in 14-point Times New Roman font on A4 paper). You should be wary of both too short and too long of a presentation, as this can lead to a lower grade.

How to write a report for your thesis

Given that the presentation is prepared by the author of the research themselves, who is well versed in the topic, it will be easy to write the text. So, if your paper was done by the found on reddit essay writing service, read it several times to make sure you know the writing well. It is enough to stick to the outlined plan and consider that it will be necessary to tell about the thesis to persons unfamiliar with it.

Plan of work on the speech

  1. It is best to write the text of the speech in a text editor. Open a new file and outline the principal structural parts of your thesis (introduction, goals, tasks, etc.).
  2. Carefully reread the entire thesis, highlighting the most significant points.
  3. Based on the notes you made, add individual points to the report structure. These may be theses, which will then be explained in 2-3 sentences or ready quotes from the thesis.
  4. Look on the Internet for current materials on the topic of research. Adapt this information for the report by including it in the necessary sections.
  5. Make logical transitions between the individual parts of the presentation.
  6. Consider the beginning and end of the report. If necessary – make it in the form of a text: the greeting and the concluding block.

Errors in Writing

The final grade for the thesis may be reduced if the presentation:

  • The structure of the presentation is not followed. The student skips important sections (for example, about the purpose of the thesis), so their speech will not be coherent. To avoid this, you should first write a complete plan of your speech and then gradually fill in all its points;
  • Too much unnecessary information delays the speech. This will not only lead to unnecessary waste of time but will also show the grading committee that the student can not highlight the main thing, correctly set the accents;
  • The opposite of a lengthy presentation is a report that is too short (less than 4 minutes) and lacks sufficient information about the research conducted. At best, this will lead to additional questions. At worst, the final grade will be lowered.

Reading Guidelines for Your Diploma Thesis Defense

There is no need to be nervous during the presentation. Because of unnecessary stress, the student may get confused or begin to mix up the words. For this reason, a preliminary rehearsal is critical. On the eve before the defense, you should read out loud several times the finished report in front of a mirror or someone you know. By speaking clearly and without stuttering, the student will once again confirm that they are well-versed in their research topic.

You should remember the greeting to the grading committee, with which you should begin your speech. In addition, at the beginning of the speech, you must introduce yourself, name the topic of your thesis, and the surname and first name of your supervisor. This is a common feature of scientific etiquette.

It will be good if the text of the report is accompanied by demonstration material: slides, posters, or a presentation. This will help make the presentation clearer and more exciting and increase the final grade.

We hope our article guidance will help you prepare your report and perform brilliantly at the defense. And if you still have difficulties, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the experts from the best college essay writing service since they know the secret of studying “with distinction.”


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