
5 Factors to Consider When Creating Influencer Marketing Strategies


67% of businesses plan to increase their influencer marketing strategies in the next year.

Not only that, but the industry is worth over $13 billion, doubling in the past three years.

If you want to be a part of this industry, we’ve compiled some of the best influencer marketing strategies for you to use!

1. Define Your Goals

Just like any marketing campaign, you cannot get started until you know what you want to achieve. You may want to increase your email contacts, have more customers purchase your goods, or simply advertise your services.

Depending on the goal, you then have to determine what the best steps are. If you want more views, you could have an influencer post on their page. If you want to develop more leads, you should have the influencer also post stories and share the link to your products or services.

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2. Determine Your Target Audience

Once you know your goals, you also need to know the target audience for the campaign.

If you are selling makeup products, you probably want to choose an influencer who works with makeup. They are more likely to already have an audience base that loves makeup and will be interested in your product.

You should also choose an influencer based on their specific audience’s age and location.

3. Determine the Type of Campaign

Before pushing out advertisements, you have to choose the type of influencer marketing campaign you want to run for your digital marketing strategy.

You may want an influencer to post on their feed, or you may prefer an influencer to make a reel to reach more people. You could also have an influencer write a blog post that includes your company’s product.

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4. Engage in Social Media

To earn the interest of influencers to get your influencer marketing strategy up and running, you will need to engage with their content. You can do this in a variety of ways to catch their interest. You should:

  • Share the influencer’s post on your stories
  • Like and comment on the influencer’s posts
  • Shout them out on your social media platforms

By engaging with influencers’ social media accounts, you are demonstrating interest and support. You can use these developed relationships to market your services and products through them.

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5. Find the Right Influencers

Searching for the right influencer is key to the success of your marketing strategy.

You need a target audience for yourself first. Then you can begin to search for influencers who will also be able to market to your specific audience.

You should also take into account whether you want a micro-influencer or a larger influencer.

If you are struggling with finding the right influencer, you can also use an influencer marketing platform to find one to work with.

Next Steps After Defining Your Influencer Marketing Strategies

Once you define your goals, and target audience, and find an influencer, you are ready to begin working with multiple influencers! You can run multiple campaigns at the same time to advertise to the greatest number of people.

If you enjoyed learning about influencer marketing strategies, you should check out more blog posts from our Business section!


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