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Unlock Snapchat’s Marketing Potential for Businesses

Discover how companies can effectively use Snapchat for advertising, create filters, and boost their marketing.

Snapchat is mainly celebrated for its creative and unusual filters. The former teen app has long been used by over twenty-year-olds. At the latest, this has become even more interesting for companies to use Snapchat for advertising purposes. In our article, we explain what companies need to consider when using circuit advertising in the app.

Snapchat for Companies
Snapchat is mostly celebrated for its fancy filters. In our article, we explain what companies should consider on Snapchat.

Snapchat is not only fun for young people! More and more companies are active in the app. Now you may be wondering: why and above all how? In our article, we explain why Snapchat makes sense for companies and what you should take into account in your marketing strategy. You will also learn how to create your Snapchat filter for your company. We answer these questions:

  • How does Snapchat work?
  • What is Snapchat?
  • How do I create a business account on Snapchat for my company?

How does Snapchat work?

Snapchat is a free instant messaging service. Use is possible on both smartphones and tablets. The app allows the user, photos, and other media that are only visible for a certain number of seconds before they are automatically removed from friends. Overall, the messenger service differs from other social networks, such as Facebook or Instagram.

Companies can also set up their own Snapchat account. You can provide the app users with information, competitions, entertaining content, and more. In addition, you can communicate with one or more people in chat via Snapchat and exchange media with each other.

Snaps, filters, and Snapchat stories

The sent media, also called “Snaps”, can be provided with various Snapchat filters. You can apply these filters to your snap by wiping them to the left or right. Snapchat offers two filter options: On the one hand, there are effects, also called lenses that you still use before the photo or use films. This allows you to distort your face, use dog filters or other animal effects, and even change your voice.

On the other hand, there are Snapchat filters that are only used after the photo has been drawn up or video. With these, you can add text or emojis to the picture or give it a new color. It is also a geofilter here. These are only available in certain locations, for example in a certain place or a landmark. If you take a photo or video in such a place, the matching Snapchat filters are offered directly in the app.

The my-story mode allows you to put your snaps together for a small story. Similar to Instagram, for example, you can document your day or share impressions. This content is visible for a maximum of 24 hours.

Snapchat for companies – explained step by step

So that you can also score on Snapchat with your company, we have summarized some useful information on this page.

Create a business account

With a corporate account, you get Snapchat access to the ADS manager. To create a business account, you have to state the name of your company, your name, and a business email address and select the time zone and currency.

As soon as you have created an account for your company, Snapchat is asking you to create your first campaign and set up an advertising account. In the second step, you have to specify the payment method.

Create your Snapchat filter

You can even create your filter, the so-called community filter, on Snapchat. To do this, you need an image editing program such as Adobe Photoshop or Lens Studios. On the Internet, you will find tons of instructions on how to create your personal Snapchat filter.

Discover section

The Discover function on Snapchat has been around since the beginning of 2015. It is a platform for media companies that work closely with Snapchat and therefore has a special channel on the app. These include, for example, Geographic, CNN, and Vice.

This is how you switch advertisements

Snapchat offers a decisive advantage in terms of advertising against other social networks: All content called on Snapchat receives full attention from the user since the content is always actively called up and this is displayed in full view on the display.

In addition, Snapchat’s strikingly unconventional advertising formats exist to present a company or product. In the following we have listed the individual advertising campaigns for you:

  • Snap-Ads can be found as small advertising windows between the individual snaps of the users. Here you can switch advertising videos in portrait.
  • With a wiping movement, users can open a new screen within the switched AD and thereby receive further information.
  • The costs vary and depend on how many people you want to achieve with the displayed display.
  • The Sponsored Snapchat filter option is also available. On the one hand, this includes the so-called on-demand geofilter, which is particularly suitable as a marketing campaign for shops, catering businesses, and events.
  • These are filters that refer to the geographical location of the user are designed at will and can be provided with a logo, for example. On the other hand, it is possible to offer your lenses in the app for a limited period.
  • These are created in cooperation with Snapchat. In addition to the animated picture mask, the logo on the screen also appears here.
  • Official figures regarding the costs are not known publicly but are estimated to move in the six-figure area for a few hours.
  • These are advertising formats that the user does not necessarily perceive as advertising – this is rare in the advertising industry!

This will give your business more reach on Snapchat

Snapchat also plays a crucial role. However, you have to work out this first. This is best done by good content that is appealing to your target group via your account. In addition, you can use other platforms, your website, or your newsletter to be attentive to your Snapchat account.

The so-called snap code has also proven to be useful. This is an individual QR code that can be recorded with a camera and then forwarded to the corresponding profile. This can be attached to menus or product packaging, for example.

Conclusion: the USA is doing it

Snapchat has some marketing potential. However, Snapchat marketing is still in its infancy. In the meantime, some companies have an account on Snapchat and use the app for marketing purposes. However, there has been no sensational campaign in this country.

In the USA, on the other hand, Taco Bell, for example, achieved some success with Snapchat. Companies and brands in particular that want to address a young target group should therefore be dealing with Snapchat. But we also advise other companies, because platforms like Instagram are increasingly approaching Snapchat.

Common Questions about Snapchat for companies

What is Snapchat?

Snapchat is a free instant messaging service. Use is possible on both smartphones and tablets. The app allows the user, photos and other media, for example, videos that are only visible for a certain number of seconds before they are automatically removed from friends. Overall, the messenger service differs from other social networks such as Facebook or Instagram.

Companies can also set up their own Snapchat account. You can provide the app users with information, competitions, entertaining content, and more. In addition, you can communicate with one or more people in chat via Snapchat and exchange media with each other.

How much does a Snapchat filter cost?

For private individuals, there are ready personalized filters for around 4.50 euros. The exact prices for company filters are currently not known.

How do I create a business account on Snapchat for my company?

To create a business account, you have to enter the name of your company, your name, and a business email address and select the time zone and currency.

As soon as you have created an account for your company, Snapchat is asking you to create your first campaign and set up an advertising account. In the second step, you have to specify the payment method.

Can you create your Snapchat filter?

You can set your Snapchat filter. For this, you will find some instructions on the Internet. To create the filter, you need an image editing program such as Adobe Photoshop.



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