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How to Make a Good First Impression


The first impression we make is crucial when trying to establish a successful career. We have all heard the cliché ‘fake it until you make it’, but it is true. Within a few seconds of meeting someone in a professional or social situation, they will have formed a judgment about you based on the way you dress, speak, and generally present yourself.

With the right appearance, you can encourage others to respect and trust you, as well as increase the likelihood that you will secure your dream job. This guide outlines some hints and tips on how to give the impression of success, even if you are still on your journey.

Dress for success

While it may not always be fair, we judge others on the way they dress, and if you are wearing, old, mismatched, or ill-fitting clothes, you are unlikely to be judged in a positive light. Often a capsule wardrobe made up of fewer items but of higher quality, tailored pieces can help you to appear wealthier and in control of yourself.

With clothes tailored to your figure, you will also look at your best, which should boost your confidence. Do not forget how much impact a well-chosen accessory can make, whether it is a tie, shoes, or even a smartwatch like the Apple watch. Read Also: Success Quote

Investing in an Apple watch could be a savvy decision, as the device isn’t just for telling the time or a piece that completes an outfit. It can assist you in multiple ways, such as keeping track of your health and being more efficient with work, which can help you make a great impression.

Therefore, to make this investment worthwhile, you should take a look at this cool infographic researched and created by Superwatches to compare the different models of the Apple Watch.

Take care of yourself

If you do not take care of yourself, how will you convince someone that they can trust you as an employee, or that you take pride in your work? The minimum you should be doing is washing yourself every day, but it is also important to keep your hair neat and styled, shave or groom your facial hair, and keep your hands and nails in good condition. Go easy on the cologne, however, as this can be overpowering when you introduce yourself to people.

Broaden your vocabulary

Once you are looking at your best, it is time to work on how you communicate with people. When you speak it should be with confidence and clarity, without nervous chit-chat or unnecessary filler words. It can sometimes be intimidating when we meet people who appear to be better educated than us, but often this comes down to the vocabulary they use and how much they have researched what they are talking about. If you are preparing for an interview, a work lunch, or a networking event, brush up on some relevant topics and widen your vocabulary to ensure you can hold your own.

Work on your manners and etiquette

Good manners cost nothing but they can make a big impression. Many employers will make a decision about you based on little more than your handshake or the way you greet them. This includes being respectful to others, even when you have a difference of opinion or a clash of personalities, practicing your handshake, and knowing when it is your turn to speak or listen.

See Also: Perfect Your Professional Greeting Etiquette With 3 Basic Welcome Rules

Be as organized as possible

Forgetfulness and inattention to detail are never positive traits in the workplace, so you must appear organized and detail-orientated in everything you do. From how you dress to how you manage and maintain your workspace and the spelling and grammar on your resume, you need to show others that you are in control.


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