1000+ Short Inspirational Quotes

35+ Best Sarcastic Love Quotes With Images For Him & Her

sarcastic love quotes

Hey, guys after a long, long time I’m here with the new hot topic. It’s all about Sarcastic Love Quotes with images of him & her. Everyone wants someone to love him with a pure heart. Who could love you every second and make your life easier, happier & make you feel like you’re in heaven?

These all things can be seen only in movies in real life everything is different from such things as love. Falling in love means you’re tying yourself with thousands of problems and bracing a life in which you will find less love and more tension.

Well, here I’m sharing 35+ sarcastic quotes about love and life with pictures. These quotes are suitable for both HIm & HER as well.  There is a quote in this post that is 100% true at least for me “Love is a temporary insanity curable by marriage”

Sarcastic Quotes About Love

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81% of boys have girlfriends rest 19% have brains.

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2 minutes of silence for those 13 – 17-year-old girls who think their boyfriends will marry them.

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Psychology says, You are not afraid to love, you are afraid of not being loved back.

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Being ignored by someone is okay but still texting them is a sin.

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I don’t need love, I need 5 million dollars.

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Just because it shows active, doesn’t mean that I’m free. These can also happen.

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1 word, 4 letters. Makes everyone sad. Seen.

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Before falling in love Remember. A girl’s mood can change in just like 0.0003 seconds.

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Girlfriend Vs No girlfriend.

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Never read old conversations after 11 Pm. I repeat never.

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True love and loyal friends are two of the hardest things to find.


Raise your hand if you have a crush on someone who can never be yours.

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Dear Ex… I won’t block you or delete you. I’m keeping you there, so you’re able to see how happy I am without you.

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Who else is walking single into 2017?

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Dear weather, don’t be so cool & romantic!!!.. We’re single

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The brain is the most outstanding organ it works 24 hours a day 365 days a year from birth you fall in love.

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Sadness is… Waiting for a text from someone who’s not gonna text you.

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Love Sarcastic Quotes

People don’t fall in love anymore. They just find a temporary attachment who can entertain them.

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I think I’m in a love triangle,  I love myself, Myself loves me, and Me loves I.

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Love is a temporary insanity curable by marriage.

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Other people Me.

A slow reply makes me think that you are talking to someone more important than me.

Ladies! Stop wasting your time looking for Mr. Right just find Mr. Left and drag that idiot to the right.

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Single? No, I am just in a relationship with Freedom

Behind every angry woman stands a man who has absolutely no idea what he did wrong.

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Do you think breakup hurts the most? No dear!! Seeing your mom upset kills you.

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Dear Heart, Please stop getting involved in everything. Your job is to pump blood that it.

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Two types of people who can’t sleep at night. 1 those who are in love. 2 who have a good internet connection.

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Dear Girls, If a guy pauses a video game just to text you back Marry him!!!

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If there is no one to hold your hand. Put your hands in your pocket and continue your walk.

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Single & waiting is better than taking & faking.

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Don’t ask me for relationship advice. I am single I only promote breakups.

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What is it called when your crush has a crush on you? “Imagination”

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Call her beautiful, not hot. She is a woman, not a temperature.
Love is soul, not his money he is human, not a Bank.

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