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32 Stunning Travel Photographs Taken By A Guy Who Quit His Job & Became An Instagram famous Celebrity

Instagram famous

Eelco Roos from Amsterdam was an IT specialist at Mulinational IBM for over 10 years but photography had always been his first love. one day While waiting for a train, he signed up on instagram and got hooked onto it immediately. He decided to show others how easy it was to take gorgeous smartphone from photos with some basic photography skills.

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He started taking photos during travel and posted on instagram. he was overwhelmed by the response. When his followers grew 100,000+, big brands like Samsung, Ducati and Johnnie Walker started getting in touch with him for collaborations. Roos decided to take the plunge and quit his job to become a full time photographer. Check out some of his work below.

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Credit – All Photos are taken from @croyable 

Roos now is helping brands and tourism agencies market themselves on Instagram and also conducting workshops on smartphone photography. In an interview with Business Insider, he said that he doesn’t regret his decision to quit his job and his current occupation feels like “a dream come true”.

Hope this post inspires you to follow your dreams. Share this article with an aspiring entrepreneur and share your feedback in the comments below.

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