Business & Finance

9 Ways to Run a Successful Startup or Small Business

9 Ways to Run a Successful Startup or Small Business

The process of starting up your dream business could be a bitter-sweet experience. Many mistakes are bound to happen, and the dream can fall apart without proper planning.

In fact, 20 out of every 100 startup businesses crash within the first two years of operation. A further 45% within the first five years, while the ones that survive beyond 15 years are just 25%.

There are endless reasons why businesses fail. But the core reason is the absence of strategies and concrete planning.

Without proper direction, even the most thought-out business plans fail. One sure way to guarantee business success is by hiring a startup marketing firm. If you get in touch with a good startup agency, you will have access to helpful resources for startups.

This article discusses eight ways to run a successful startup or small business. There’s no such thing as testing the waters with these proven tips.

1.  Write Out a Good Business Plan

Every successful business starts with a sound strategy. Don’t “figure it all out” in your head. It is important to write out the business plan. Try to include both your short-term and long-term goals in the project.

It could be quite challenging having to write down your first business plan. Chances are, you do not know how to draft one. So there’s no harm in consulting a startup marketing agency to go over it with you.

Most startup agencies offer free business plan templates. They also provide guidelines you can use to pen those ambitions down.

Write Out a Good Business Plan

Some of the important details your startup plan must have are:

  • Short-term and long-term goals
  • Strategy for achieving these goals
  • Startup costs and revenue
  • Number of employees needed
  • Marketing strategy
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

There are also key details like your startup time frame, expenditure, and others. You can get resources and information from a good marketing agency for startups. A good marketing strategy is the soul of business success.

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1.  Take Advantage of Startup Programs

Hypelife brands’ startup agency provides entrepreneurs with free resources for startups. These resources and key strategies help to guarantee business success. Nobody can know it all on their own, and as an emerging small business, you need all the information you can get.

Take advantage of resources, seminars, and programs. They will put your business’ growth in the right direction.

2.  Research

It is dangerous to start a business without proper market research. Find out if there is a market and demand for the product or service you want to startup. Here’s the best part, you don’t have to do it all by yourself!

Get a good agency for startups to help you with market research and analysis. The secret to some of the best startup marketing campaigns is proper research. You will have to invest time in market research and analysis before delving in.

3.  Get the Right Team

Even if it’s a one-person business, you will need people’s help from time to time. It could be family, friends, employees, or even people willing to invest in your business. These people must believe in your vision and are ready to key into the values and demands of your startup.

Networking to get ideas from mentors already in business will be necessary at this stage. There are successful people in your chosen line of business that you can tap a thing or two from.

Leverage social media and other digital outlets to build your network. There are many digital marketing agencies for startups that can help with this. Most importantly, hire people with the right mindset and drive to build your company.

4.  Pay Attention to Your Competition

Whatever business you decide to start, chances are someone is already doing it. A great sign of a successful business looks at the competition. What are they doing right? How can I do better? What are they not doing? These are some of the questions you must ask yourself to stay on top of your game.

Don’t shy away from the competition. Healthy business competition could boost your success. This is because it keeps you on track and helps you stay focused. There is always something new to learn from your competition to help your business. Good or bad.

5.  Render Great Service

What’s a successful business without satisfied customers? Providing excellent services to your customers is the heart of the success of any business.

So, beyond building and designing a website, you should always be on hand to respond to customer complaints. Also, you’ll need to create email lists to reach out to customers and keep up engagements.

There are many branding services for startups you can leverage to build an appealing business. Customers are likely to be loyal and return when they get value for their money. So have that in mind when setting up your business. After all, the customer is king.

6.  Learn to Adapt

Every business faces challenges. No matter how much time you put into planning and investment, your business could still hit the rocks at some point. The important thing is to learn from mistakes, adapt, and forge on.

7.  Offer Benefits for Staff and Customers

Incentives drive motivation. By providing different kinds of benefits for your staff, you will build a sense of belonging. You can consider rewarding the month’s staff, holiday allowances, tips, and commendations. Compensation is a great way to get them working harder and better.

You can also extend this to your customers. This is by offering periodic slash sales and promos. You can also render free services to them. This will build loyalty and show the empathetic side of your business. Customers like to feel special, and giving out benefits is one sure way of accomplishing that.

8.  Learn From Your Mistakes

Business is not a complete science. There’s no way to guarantee that your business plan will be a winning ticket. Always remember that In the world of business, you’re not always on top. In fact, most will insist that failure is crucial to learning all about your business.

Learn to analyze your mistakes. Pick apart your failures and see what improvements can be made to your system. In the long run, your openness to learning will cover up for your mistakes.


Setting up a startup or small business could be daunting. However, even with all the correct information. However, even with all the correct information, there is no guarantee that a startup won’t face challenges. That is why you must work with a professional startup agency.

Start your small business with a marketing agency for startups in your corner. Their job is to provide you with all the market research analysis, detailed resources, and information to make your business a success.

These guidelines in this article make your business a success and keep it so for many years to come.


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