1000+ Short Inspirational Quotes

100+ Death Remembrance Quotes from Famous People

Comforting Words for Grief and Loss from Famous Figures

Famous philosophers, writers, and other important figures past or present did not leave their fingerprints on the world by chance. Many people were able to discover or identify with some truth in their words. It is therefore not unreasonable to reuse some of the quotations from these very impressive people.

Many deal with the subject of death and transience and are therefore ideally suited to impressively reflect feelings of grief, give hope, and make it easier to say goodbye to a loved one.

So that you can find suitable and compassionate words, we have put together 100+ death remembrance quotes from famous people as templates or inspiration for you in this post.

Death Remembrance Quotes from Famous People

Here you will find the 30 most beautiful grief quotes from famous people

Death Remembrance Quotes

He who lives in the memory of his loved ones is not dead,
it is only distant; Only those who are forgotten are dead.
(Immanuel Kant)

She is free now and our tears wish her luck.
(Joh. Wolfgang v. Goethe)

And my soul spread its wings wide
flew through the silent lands as if flying home …
(Joseph von Eichendorff)

To die is not to be separated forever;
there’s a reunion on a brighter day.
(Michael Faulhaber)

Love is stronger than death and the horrors of death.
Love alone sustains and moves our lives.
(Ivan Turgenev)

The bonds of love are not severed with death.
(Thomas Mann)

Remembrance Death Quotes

Death Remembrance Quotes

You who loved me so
don’t look at the life that I ended
but on what I start.
(Aurelius Augustine)

Death is the gateway to light at the end of a path that has become arduous.
(Francis of Assisi)

What we hide in the coffins is only the garment of the earth
what we love remains with us forever.
(Ernst Schulze)

Hope is not the belief that something will turn out well
but the certainty that something makes sense,
no matter how it turns out.
(Vaclav Havel)

Let the candles burn warm and bright today,
that you brought into our darkness, and bring us together again if it can be!
We know that your light shines in the night.
(Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

Remembrance Quotes for Death

Death Remembrance Quotes

You are not there anymore,
where you were,
but you are everywhere
where we are.
(Victor Hugo)

Death is great.
We are His laughing mouths.
If we mean ourselves in the middle of life, he dares to cry in the middle of us.
(Rainer Maria Rilke)

A person’s most precious legacy is the trace that love has left in our hearts.
(Vincent Erath)

Nobody is gone whom you love. Love is an everlasting presence.
(Stefan Zweig)

Life is like snow, you can’t keep it.
The consolation is that you were there for hours, months, and years.
(Herman van Veen)

Best Quotes for Remembrance

Death Remembrance Quotes

When something is taken away from us
with which we are deeply and wonderfully connected,
so much of ourselves has been taken away.
But God wants us to find ourselves again
richer in everything lost and increased in that infinite pain.
(Reiner Maria Rilke)

Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be driven.
(Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered,
we confidently await what may come.
God is with us in the evening and in the morning and most certainly every new day.
(Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

And when you’ve comforted yourself
you will be glad you knew me
You will always be my friend.
You will remember how much you loved laughing with me.

When you look at the sky at night
it will be as if all the stars were laughing
because I live in one of them
because I am laughing at one of them.

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Best Memories of Death Quotes

Death Remembrance Quotes

I’ll take your farewell smile with me into the day.
It’ll keep me warm until we meet again.
(Manfred Mai)

There is a land of the living and a land of the dead.
And the bridge between them is love – the only thing that lasts, the only meaning.
(Thornton Wilder)

Our dear dead have not died
they have just ceased to be mortal.
(Ottokar Kernstock)

The person we love is no longer where he was.
But he is everywhere we are and remember him.

Best Death Quotes of Remembrance

Death Remembrance Quotes

Funeral quotes are often used to express sympathy and sympathy for the bereaved. Most people are speechless or even stunned at the news of the passing of a loved one.

So it is helpful that numerous poets, philosophers, and other famous people have already thought about the topics of death and mourning and wrote appropriate mourning sayings in this context.

However, finding a dignified and appropriate mourning phrase can still be difficult. It is important that the mourning phrase fits the deceased and expresses one’s feelings. The selection should therefore be made calmly.

Even if he has passed away, he will always be with us.

Let all your things happen in love!

The visible has passed. What remains are love and memories.

Death can separate us from the person who belonged to us.
But he cannot take from us what connects us with him.

Death rearranges the world
nothing has changed, and yet everything has changed.

Short Remembrance Quotes

Death Remembrance Quotes

Losing you was incredibly difficult, missing you even more.

Memory is a window through which we can see you whenever we want.

The sun rises and it sets again.
In between, we have to learn to live without you.

The traces of your life and the time with you will always be alive in us.

Those we carry in our hearts live on in us.

Grief Remembrance Quotes

Death Remembrance Quotes

Time has passed quickly, but our grief has not. You left us, but not from our hearts. Some do not understand what we have lost in you. Only those who love know what you’re talking about.

You were only at the beginning of the path and yet you have already reached your goal. You have crossed the line that lies ahead of us. Now you are far from us. And yet you are close to us in our thoughts and our limitless love.

A year without you We can still hear your steps, your voice calling us, the sound of your laughter, your chair is now empty. Every new day after your death makes us realize how much we miss you.

He was the strong center of our family.
There are traces of his life everywhere that make him unforgettable.

Quotes for Death Remembrance

Death Remembrance Quotes

Reminder. Memory is our soul’s treasure. Nobody can take away our past and our happy moments. Nobody takes away the strength that we draw from memory.

Memories are little stars that shine comfortingly in the darkness of our grief.

There is a time for everything in life.
A time of joy, silence, sadness, and a time of grateful memories.

There are moments in life when the world stands still for a moment.
And when it keeps turning, nothing is what it was before.

It is not easy to let go of a person. We would have liked to keep him with us. But he is alive in our memories. His laughter can still be heard in our ears, his image is in our hearts. His words are with us. He is present in our life.

Death and Remembrance Quotes

Death Remembrance Quotes

These could be memories of shared experiences, for example. If the relationship with the deceased was particularly close and in this case, a comprehensive expression of condolences is desired, it is best to write a memorial letter.

You are also welcome to send personal words of condolence to the relatives in mourning cards or memorial letters to express your condolences and your grief.

It’s hard to lose a loved one, but it’s good to see how many loved you.

Hold on to what you cannot hold, want to understand what is incomprehensible, and carry in your heart what is eternal.

I am the resurrection and life, whoever believes in me will live even if he has died, and everyone who lives and believes in me will not die forever.

Life is reflected in becoming and passing away. The grief is reflected in the pain and the tears. Love is reflected in faith and hope.

Whenever we talk about you, sunbeams fall into our souls. Our hearts embrace you as if you’ve never left. What remains are love and memories.

There is more comfort in images of memory than in many words.

Quotes About Death and Memories

Death Remembrance Quotes

The moment you realize that the person to whom you owe a lot is losing strength, everything becomes quiet. You can never ask his advice again. No more rejoicing with him, never laughing with him again, never crying with him again. A person is missing here and you still don’t understand that it’s forever.

The more beautiful and full the memory, the harder the separation is. But gratitude turns the memory into silent joy. You don’t carry the past beautiful like a sting but like a precious gift.

Every new day makes us aware of how much we miss it. But the memory of the past remains.

Finding people who feel and feel for us is probably the most beautiful happiness on earth.

A part of us died with you, all that remains is the memory. In the heart, you are very close to us. Can you tell us why it happened How can the world be up there? We hope you are not alone. Many questions without an answer, hearts that cry.

Remembrance Quotes for Loved Ones

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You never go completely, something of you stays here, it always has its place with us.

You will never go all the way! You will always have a place in our hearts and thus continue to live.

It went out of the world, but not from our hearts.

As long as the thoughts of you are alive, you are not dead. You are only a step ahead. But we miss you very much.

Comforting is an art of the heart. It often only consists of loving silence and in silence pitying.

Words of comfort are like rays of the sun that find their way through our window and take away the feeling of loneliness.

Nice Remembrance Quotes

Death Remembrance Quotes

We see you everywhere. We feel you everywhere. We find traces of you everywhere. You accompany us everywhere. You are all over our minds. You are close to us everywhere. We will never forget you. You live on in our hearts. Your tracks are everywhere.

Our heart longs for your shining eyes, for your hugs, for your questions, for your love, for life with you. We trust that God will hold you in his arms.

Maybe love also means learning, letting someone go, and knowing when to say goodbye. Not letting our feelings get in the way of what is likely to end up being better for those we love.

There will always be something left in your heart of the person you have loved, something of his dreams, something of his hopes, something of his life, all of his love.

Beautiful Remembrance Quotes

You are also welcome to offer that affected help with everyday work. This helps to cope with everyday life after the loss or to find oneself in a changed life situation.

We alone know what you were for us. Thank you for your love, we will never forget you.

What you have deep in your heart cannot be lost through death.

If you are depressed and sad, then I want to gently mix a smile into your tears. Miraculously, you will quietly feel how the delicate plants of comfort germinate in you and grow from day to day.

Death Remembrance Quotes

Best Remembrance Quotes

If there was a little more love and goodness, a little more light and truth in the world through a person, then his life had meaning.

If you are looking for me then look in your hearts. If you find me there, then I will live on in you.

When we think of you, we don’t want to be sad, we want to be grateful that we had you. We want to talk about you and laugh too. We leave you a place between us, just like you had it in life.

We haven’t forgotten anything, your love, your strength, you’re being there for us. Our thoughts are often with you. So many things that we would have loved to share with you.

We’re glad we had it. We are sad that it was taken from us. We are grateful that we didn’t have to be alone when he said goodbye.

We are still looking for you often and we were so hoping that the door will open, you come in and everything will be as it was before.

We knew the day would come, but it was hard to say goodbye.

Death remembrance quotes are most often found on memorial cards, gravestones, or in funeral speeches and obituaries. They give comfort and help to express one’s own emotions. In addition to a mourning speech, you are also welcome to include personal words about the deceased.



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