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5 Essential Digital Tools Types for Successful Consultants

Optimize Your Consulting Business with These Tools

When it comes to tools, we speak of tools. Everyone in life has probably used a tool at some point. Be it at home for the nail in the wall or as a craftsman using various tools to help. So this is a completely normal process that makes certain work easier and can improve it.

This also applies to consultants. The only difference is that we are not talking about physical tools here, but rather about so-called digital tools. The following article looks at which digital tools are best for a consultant.

5 Types of Digital Tools Every Consultant Should Use
Which digital tools should consultants use? (Image: picture alliance / Zoonar | Khakimullin Aleksandr D9)

5 types of digital tools every consultant should be using

When it comes to tools, we speak of tools. Everyone in life has probably used a tool at some point. Be it at home for the nail in the wall or as a craftsman using various tools to help. So this is a completely normal process that makes certain work easier and can improve it.

This also applies to consultants. The only difference is that we are not talking about physical tools here, but rather about so-called digital tools. The following article looks at which digital tools are best for a consultant.

Accounting and billing tools

One of the most important aspects of a successful advisor is equally successful money management. To be able to manage the money properly, all income-related data should be well maintained and also always easily accessible.

Accounting & Billing Tools

With the consulting tools, care should be taken to ensure that they always transmit financial progress, or even a decline, to you in real time. However, if possible, the accounting software should not only display the account balance live but also offer other functions such as diagrams, sales forecasts, invoice tracking, and the like.

Online advice platforms

Just as editors and web designers use platforms such as Fiverr, Upwork, and others to find new customers, it is also increasingly possible for freelance consultants to find interesting and paid projects using online platforms. A consultant no longer has to work in the office of a large corporation from morning to evening to make a career.

Online advice platforms

More and more consultants are now working independently. Online advice platforms such as ExpertPowerhouse or Comatch can help in the search for new work assignments.

Without these platforms, getting well-paying jobs can be significantly more difficult. The entry into such platforms is usually done quickly, in that the first step is to publish a profile on the corresponding online platform.

Inbound Marketing Tools

Inbound marketing is sometimes referred to as content marketing and is a technique that many SEO agencies in Melbourne use to attract customers and establish themselves as thought leaders in the industry.

By posting informative blogs, videos, or even short social media posts, you can stand out from the crowd and thereby gain a competitive advantage.

Inbound Marketing Tools

These tools include, for example, a social media management tool. Frequent and continuous posting on social media can be a real challenge for a consultant.

Especially when you have a lot to do with your work as a consultant and therefore you don’t always have the time to keep social media up-to-date. But that’s why certain tools come to your aid.

The tools make it possible to plan postings and videos and are then automatically posted on social media at the desired time. This only requires a one-time effort of a few hours of planning time.

And so everything can be planned up to a month in advance without you having to worry about it personally. This leaves you, as a consultant, enough time to take care of your other tasks, and yet the social media, which are very important today, continue to run undisturbed and in parallel.

Electronic contract management tool

Where paper and pens were used in the past, more and more entrepreneurs and consultants are now relying equally on an e-signature. Creating a digital signature is not difficult, but it helps a lot. One such tool includes a certified provider who can legally sign documents online.

Electronic contract management tool

You can have one or more business partners countersign an important document online within minutes, often even faster. This saves valuable time and therefore money in the long term. Long mail routes and waiting times are all a thing of the past. In addition, masses of paper are saved, as everything can be managed and stored electronically directly.

The need for printer cartridges and additional bureaucracy such as scanning documents is also eliminated. Such a tool has become almost an obligation for a consultant in our modern times. Even before the current global pandemic, this system was able to continue to establish itself.

However, this increased significantly again during the pandemic. Because personal meetings for the signing of the contract were often difficult or sometimes even forbidden. More and more consultants got a taste for this tool more or less voluntarily.

Read also: 10 Reasons To Hire An SEO Consultant

Tools to keep the website visually modern and contemporary

Working as a consultant also requires having an appropriate homepage. If this is not the case yet, then you would do well to get a website as soon as possible. And if you already have one, then you should take a look to see whether it is still contemporary, appealing, and modern. It shouldn’t give the impression that it stopped in a time window of 10 or 20 years ago.

Regardless of whether you use WordPress or something else, there are tools for everything that will quickly help you rebuild a somewhat rusty website in a contemporary, modern, and visually appealing way. Because the eye not only eats, it also buys and orders. Therefore, your customers should always feel comfortable when they visit your website.



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