1000+ Short Inspirational Quotes

21+ Best Beard Quotes & Sayings With Images In English

Hey guys i’m planning to grow my beard. To know how it feels like having bread on your face. So i just made some research and found some interesting quotes on beards. Most of all, I came to know one more thing that some men are rocking with full beards, others are only dreaming about heavy beards that they could. There are few men who want to have bread, but their a girlfriend, society, or a corporate job or any other occupation preventing you from keeping bread. Well i personally think that in this era of Startup and entrepreneurship such people who don’t keep beard due to prevention of job have became the slave of their boss.

Growing a bread is also a beautiful feeling in itself. Those who have the beard know better about this. There are many benefits of bread which i will share with you guys at the end of this video. For the time Lets talk about the most crucial thing comes in mind when a man think about having a beard.. Guess what..!!! It’s looking like terrorist which are labelled as Muslims On Media. First let me make it clear what is the value of beard in Islam.

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Value of Beard In Islam

Having a beard for a Muslim men specially in secular countries is getting tough day by day. Because since 9/11 every attacked is considered the act of Muslim by media. First of all every Muslim scholars has declared that organization like ISIS. Taliban etc are not Muslim. In fact they’re the one who is spoiling the image of Muslim. and some data scientist have logically proved that 9/11 was a inside job just to start a war and occupy globe resources. For a while i may agree that those terrorist are Muslim. but Believe me Muslims are not Terrorist, there are 1.5 Billion+ Muslims living on earth. No other religion would have exist if they all were terrorist.

Most of the Muslim are confused about bread that is think Suna’h or Fardh. The answer to this question by Zakir Naik Will help you to understand what actually it is.

Beard Quotes Images

Here i’m sharing some Best beard Quotes & Sayings for men with images in English. I will try my best to keep this post updated. Do share your views in comment.

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Islamic Quotes About Beard & Bearded Men

The beard The only visible Sunnah you take into the grave with you.

Keep the beard! it’s a Sunnah.

Nothing is more handsome then a Muslim man having a beard according to the Sunnah and carrying himself like a lion of Islam.

If you think beard is unattractive, Then think about the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). He was the most beautiful creation & He had a Beard.

They say the sunnah doesn’t fit in to society they don’t understand we weren’t made for society. We were made for jannah.

Best Quotes On Beard

I have the beard. Therefor i make the rules.

Growing a beard “is a habit most natural, scriptural, manly and beneficial.”

You shaved? Perhaps the weight of manhood was too much for you.

Life is better with a beard.

So you don’t like my beard? Thats ok, I didn’t grow it for you.

Bearded men make better loves. Hell, We make everything Better.

I don’t like myself without a beard.

Man without beard is like lion without mane.

Be a man never shave your beard.

True love is like a beard it never ends it only grows.

It’s good to have beardless friends when you go out, People will assume you’re their leader.

There is a name for man without beard Woman.

I have a beard Weds I love Beards.

I know you want my Beard.

With great beard comes great responsibility.

If i am shaven, Then my strength will leave me, and i shall become weak, and be like any other man. Jedges 16:17 Beard Quotes Bible

Grow a Beard, Then we’ll talk.

beard quotes shirt

Beard Health Benefits – Must See!

As i said above that there are many benefits of having beard are visualized in this Video. Must watch and spread the awareness.


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