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Christmas T Shirt For Muslims

Christmas t shirt

Hey Guys, Christmas Eve is a few days away, Today I found a cool Christmas T-shirt with a peaceful message for Muslims and Christians, “According to Islam For Being Muslim one must Believe in JESUS (Peace Be Upon Him)

Christmas T-shirt for Muslims

Muslims do indeed believe in Jesus Christ (called ‘Isa in Arabic). In the holy book Quran, There are many stories about the life and teachings of Isa (alaihis salaam). The Quran recalls his miraculous birth, his teachings, the miracles he performed with Almighty Allah’s permission, and his life as a respected prophet of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala).

The Quran also repeatedly reminds us that Jesus Christ was a human prophet sent by God, and According to Islam believing in Prophets is one of the six pillars of Iman. Here are six pillars of iman.

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The Six Pillars Of Iman

To believe in:
1. Allah
2. His Angels
3. His revealed Books
4. His Messengers/Prophets
5. The Day of Resurrection
6. Al-Qadr; Whatever Allah has ordained must come to pass (In other words, fate and destiny).

So These words on the Christmas T-shirt are really great messages for every Muslim & Christian. I wish every Muslim wear this tee Shirt on Christmas Eve. well you may buy this Shirt for $16.65 only from TeeSpring.com

Buy any of These Christmas Tee Shirts Online at a Discount Rate

In a world rich with diverse cultures and traditions, it’s not uncommon for individuals of various faiths to embrace the joyous spirit of Christmas. Embracing Christman traditions, some Muslims celebrate this festive season by donning Christmas-themed attire, like Christmas T-shirts, as a symbol of unity, love, and shared holiday cheer.

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