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CV Parsing: How Your Resume is Convincing in e-recruiting

E-recruiting using artificial intelligence is a big trend in the HR departments. How can applicants prevail in the assessment by automated systems? FOCUS Business gives tips for the successful handling of application software.

How Your Resume is Convincing in e-recruiting

The recruiting of the future is already taking place today – and it is becoming increasingly automated. At least in the first steps, which are sometimes the most important. Most large companies are now using software in their hiring processes. Programs, so-called Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), can view online applications and then evaluate how well an applicant seems to fit in the open position.

Particularly sophisticated programs also create a ranking of applicants so that the HR managers receive a short list of people for an interview. Again and again, it also happens that a recruiting chatbot is used to separate the chaff from the wheat. Companies promise an acceleration of the application process, especially in times of shortage of skilled workers.

CV Parser – This is how the application software works

When it comes to analyzing an applicant’s curriculum vitae, most programs work similarly. CV parsing means that the software examines every application for key terms or assessment criteria. This can be certain universities or subjects, but also language skills or professional qualifications. According to experts, a CV Parser is particularly useful if many applications are to be expected in a position.

According to a recently published study by the London School of Economics, artificial intelligence (AI) is even better at selecting applicants without prejudice than human experts. Even when it comes to diversity, AI usually cuts better than people. Nevertheless, according to the researchers in their analysis, both “applicants and HR managers have the impression that AI is worse than humans”.

Again and again, there are also spectacular mistakes. Amazon had to switch off an automated application tool again after it became apparent that the algorithm systematically disadvantaged women.

See Also: What is the difference between a biography and a resume?

E-recruiting-megatrend or megaflop?

In only five percent of the companies examined, there is a regulation on the use of artificial intelligence in recruiting.

In particular, employee representatives such as works councils are therefore rather skeptical of the use of AI in personnel work. This is the result of a survey by the Federal Association of Personnel Managers. According to this, 80 percent of the respondents believe that there should be guidelines for AI use or automation in personnel work. 86 percent want a legal regulation. In contrast, only five percent stated that there are already corresponding regulations in their own company.

As the magazine report reports, it also happens that applicants are trying to trick the software. For example, by accommodating the appropriate keywords for a job arbitrarily in the application. Others write the names of elite universities and renowned companies in small, white writing in their applications or simply copy the job advertisement. This means significantly higher interview commitments.

CV Check: How to convince the application software

That sounds a bit unethical and the software is getting better and better so as not to fall for such simple tricks: a keyword alone is weighted less than a keyword that is used in the context of a sentence, for example in the description of the applicant’s previous professional experience. So how can you convince the automated personnel department? Focus Business gives the best tips.

Tip 1: Forget the previous advice on the cover letter

Instead of choosing the most unique design or color scheme and inserting detailed job descriptions, you should concentrate on making your application as simple as possible.

Use short and sober sentences so that the AI ​​can better analyze your resume. List your skills clearly and clearly. If possible, add the corresponding details. Where did you learn your skills and how long do you use them? Since you are dealing with software that decides whether you will sit at all a human decision-maker, you should formulate as quantitatively and descriptively as possible.

See Also: How to write an impressive Cover letter?

Tip 2: Analyze and test your resume in advance

Upload your curriculum vitae and the description of the place you apply to an automatic resume checker like Jobscan. Jobscan evaluates how well your curriculum vitae matches the job description and helps you to optimize it for the ATS of the potential employer. The establishment of an account with Jobscan is free of charge, and the basic membership offers two calculations of the agreement rate per month.

Other tools such as Resymatch and Résunate show applicants how well their skills fit a job description and suggest how often they should mention certain keywords in their resume.

Tip 3: practice with a computer

A few weeks ago, Google provided a tool with which applicants can train for a job interview with an AI. If you are already judged by an AI, why shouldn’t an AI also practice its performance, according to the consideration? The chatbot, for example, asks how to acquire new knowledge or what performance you are particularly proud of – afterward, the applicant can see the evaluation of the machine.

There are also similar programs from various companies that specialize in digital HR: Hirevue or interview stream. Here you can register for a free test period. However, all of these offers have so far only been available in English.


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