
Unclog Your Drains: Effective Home Solutions

Discover practical tips and tools for tackling clogged drains and keeping your pipes clean and clear.


When the water backs up above your ankles during a refreshing morning shower, it’s high time to clear the drain. There are various methods to choose from: If the drain is blocked, muscle power, technology, or chemicals can help. Of course, the same tips and tricks also apply to all other drains.

A lot of dirt collects in the sinks of the kitchen and bathroom. Over time, this can get stuck in the pipes and condense into a plug. The unpleasant result: Dirty water can no longer run off so easily and accumulates in the washbasin, bathtub, shower, or toilet and causes them to overflow. If the drain is clogged, chemical drain cleaners, a suction cup or a drain cleaning spiral will help.

Constipation rarely occurs suddenly. They usually announce themselves when the water runs off hesitantly. If it still gurgles and gurgles, then the final closure is not far away. If nothing works anymore, a professional drain cleaning company does not necessarily have to come straight away. Because the clever do-it-yourselfer or the resourceful lady of the house has several instruments at hand to successfully attack the tiresome plugs.

With blocked drains, there are many possible causes. Clogging up your toilet bowl may happen, or you might notice that water pressure is lower than normal. Plumbing problems that take place in the kitchen could be as harmless as getting a strange smell, or more serious like burning out an appliance because of low water pressure. Blocked drains Sydney will identify which type of blockage you’re experiencing and find the best solution for it.

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Clogged drain: These simple remedies will help

If only the valve cup is closed, you can easily pull out hair and dirt with tweezers or small pliers. Leftovers can be easily washed away.

If this is not successful, the blockage is usually in the siphon. You can get rid of it with old home remedies. The most common are baking soda (alternatively baking powder) and vinegar. Others swear by the cleaning tabs from dishwashers, which are crushed and thrown down the drain. However, coffee grounds are by no means suitable. It makes the clog worse rather than helping: as the coffee grounds dry, they harden like concrete and may not be easily removed.

Chemical pipe cleaners

If the home remedies prove to be too harmless, commercial pipe cleaners in liquid or granular form can also be used. They are highly corrosive, which is why it is best to work with gloves and a face mask. The range of such “chemical clubs” is quite large, so it is best to seek advice in the markets. These agents need a certain exposure time because they gradually decompose the plug.


Chemical drain cleaners can generate significant heat, which is not good for plastic drain pipes. The stronger the agent, the sooner it can of course break down the dirt in the drain. But the same also applies to plastic. Therefore, caution should always be exercised with such agents. However, the siphon is suitable as a test environment.

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Mechanical means

In the case of very stubborn blockages, other mechanical means are available to those affected, and mechanical methods may also be the best means for plastic pipes.

Unscrew and clean the siphon

It can be quite unappetizing to unscrew and clean the siphon: after all, it serves as an odor trap. But the unpleasant basic cleaning is the most thorough method. It also allows the downstream line to be inspected. In this way, you can see whether further deposits have built up.

The necessary steps are clear:

  1. Put buckets under the sink.
  2. Loosen the Union nuts by hand. If these are stuck, the water pump pliers are used.
  3. Tip out the siphon, clean, and reassemble. If you have to tighten the nuts with pliers, you should not use too much force to avoid destroying the nuts and siphon.

Pressure cleaning

The most common device for pressure cleaning is the suction cup, which is also known colloquially as a plunger or plunger. The overflow of the sink is closed with a cork or a piece of cloth, then the rubber bell is placed on the spout and a little water is poured in. The wooden handlebar is used to pump vigorously. The alternation of pressure and vacuum gradually loosens the blockage, the plug is shaken free, so to speak.

Alternatively, you can use a pressure pipe cleaner. They look similar to an air pump and generate excess pressure. In the case of larger pipe diameters or blockages deep in the pipe, an additional device for the high-pressure cleaner can help the cleaning hose. It has ahead with multiple jets pointing backward.

The hose pushes itself forward under pressure and the sharp jets of water clean the pipe. However, the device is not suitable for cleaning just the siphon because it is very robust and difficult to handle.

Clean the drain with the pipe-cleaning spiral

Strictly speaking, the drain cleaning spiral is a flexible shaft with a hand crank. Lengths of one and a half to ten meters are common for the household. Such a spiral is not used for cleaning siphons because it is too unwieldy for this.

However, it is an advantage when blockages extend into the drain pipes or a blockage is deep in the line. These spirals are also available with a brush at the tip or for clamping in the drill.

What can you do to prevent constipation?

Those who don’t take care reap sorrow: Although it is recommended to thoroughly check and clean the drains in the house or apartment once a year, the author knows from his own experience that twelve months are over in no time – and again it hasn’t been done.

If you don’t want to stand idly by when the next blockage occurs, you should take a few fairly simple prophylactic measures to tackle the arch-enemies of all drain pipes: In the kitchen, it’s mainly leftover food and fat, in the bathroom and shower, its hair and soap residue.

  • Fit the sink in the kitchen, the sink in the bathroom, and the shower with a hair strainer. Inexpensive but very effective because the screens are easy to remove and clean.
  • Rinse heavily used pools with boiling water about once a week. This removes most of the soap residue.
  • Remove the hair from the drains – especially in the shower and the hand wash basin – at least once a month with a pair of tweezers specially purchased for this purpose.
  • Dispose of food leftovers and greasy waste in the organic waste because, along with hair, they lead to occlusions the fastest.

Plumber Sydney is a reliable and professional emergency plumber company that has been servicing the city of Sydney for many years. With their experienced team, they are always ready to provide you with the best plumbing service you can find. From water leak repair to sewer repair, Plumbers Sydney will do it all for you!



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